Affirmations For Winning The Lottery

When it comes to the lottery, many of us are very skeptical. “Money is a root of all kinds of evil, winning the lottery is not possible, it’s a scam”. Very common thoughts on the lottery. I once talked with a friend of mine and he explained that until he won’t meet any of the lottery winners in… Continue reading Affirmations For Winning The Lottery

How Daily Affirmations Can Change Your Life

Are You A Positive Person? Did You Know That Affirmations Can Change Your Life? ‘It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.’~ Muhammad Ali The power of the spoken and unspoken word should never be underestimated. A single spoken word or lone… Continue reading How Daily Affirmations Can Change Your Life

Benefits of using affirmations

What are affirmations? Words have extreme power. When you communicate, your words can not only influence others, but can also transform your internal state on a deep and profound level. Affirmations are powerful, positive statements that aim to direct your conscious and subconscious mind, challenging previously held unhealthy and negative thinking patterns. When they are spoken… Continue reading Benefits of using affirmations

101 Money Affirmations To Attract Wealth And Abundance

Do you want to create wealth and abundance? Do you want to make money and get rich? Prepare yourself with these 111 powerful money affirmations to attract wealth and abundance! When you Google ‘make more money’ you will get billions of hits. It is something that the majority of humanity is searching for. Money does… Continue reading 101 Money Affirmations To Attract Wealth And Abundance


POWERFUL MARRIAGE AFFIRMATIONS Memorizing scripture has always helped me “hide it in my heart” and be prepared to use it as needed in my relationship with my spouse. Have you ever wanted to see a change in your marriage? Your spouse? Yourself? Thought about using positive affirmations for couples to keep your purpose in the forefront of your mind?… Continue reading 34 POSITIVE MARRIAGE AFFIRMATIONS FOR COUPLES

5 Steps to Make Affirmations Work for You

Affirmations (meaning statements said with confidence about a perceived truth) have helped thousands of people make significant changes in their lives. But they don't always work for everyone. How can one person have great success using this tool, while another sees no results at all? An affirmation can work because it has the ability to program your mind into… Continue reading 5 Steps to Make Affirmations Work for You

12 Life-Changing Law of Attraction Affirmations

12 Life-Changing Law of Attraction Affirmations You have probably heard about Law of Attraction affirmations before. And you’re probably wondering if, and how, they work. Here are some affirmations you can try yourself. And the way you should use them in order for them to have the desired effect. What Is The Law Of Attraction? The Law of Attraction is… Continue reading 12 Life-Changing Law of Attraction Affirmations

40 Affirmations to Attract Love, Romance and a Healthy Relationship

40 Affirmations to Attract Love Spiritually Looking for love this Valentine’s season? Get in the mindset and prepare your spirit to find true love with these 40 affirmations. Even if you’re feeling content being single, you might be ready for your soulmate or for a lasting, healthy relationship. Manifesting a loving, healthy relationship is completely possible using… Continue reading 40 Affirmations to Attract Love, Romance and a Healthy Relationship